Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Corporate Vs Sports

The blog by a frustrated IPL player from Knight Rider's camp has gained enormous popularity which not even the poor chap had thought of (I'm going by the words of the blogger). But I'm 100% convinced that the Fake one is actually the Real.

From the 1st edition of the IPL, some of the owners failed to differentiate between a "Corporate Organization" and a "Sports Team". They thought as in corporate they pay heavily to work hard, the same will happen in the sports as well. But in the sports and especially in a team game, the team and team members need to have the sense of "Belongingness", they need to have lesser "Pressure" because at this big level there is already enormous amount of pressure on the players. One must know that no player in the world wants to fail even if you pay him/her to fail, 99% chance is that he/she will not fail deliberately.

Apart from that, Cricket is a different game altogether. You might get boundaries on edges and get out of a good shot. You might get a wicket out of a loosener and may get a stick on one of the best balls. To understand cricket you need to understand it more than a bit. One also must understand the players are not "Corporate Employees" who are bound to get continuous sticks from their bosses. There are many "All Time Greats", "The Icons" associated with different different teams,. One must deal with dignity to them and give due respect to them. Some of the players are "Once in an Era" sort of.

One thing I didn't liked about few of the owners is their "SLAVE LIKE MENTALITY". they still feel, "An Outsider" is always better than "Our Own". The captaincy issue of few of the teams had confirmed their mentality. One of the India's Finest captains "Sourav Ganguly" has been replaced by a NON-CAPTAIN player of Newzealand for knight riders. Another Successful Captain of India "Rahul Dravid" has been replaced by " THE REMOVED CAPTAIN OF ENGLAND" Kevin Peiterson. The slave mentality and the inferiority complex is what I can see in few of the owners. both of them have been proven wrong. They have not yet learned anything from "CHAPPELGATE". Irony is, an IPL team is having support staff more than what an Indian team has. Mind it BCCI is the richest Club.

The team can only succeed if the Team is gelled together as an unit, each player of the team is willing to give 100%, the owners have no rift with the key players and the "NOT-SO-EXPERTS" of the game have lesser impact on the team. Owning a team is very easy if you've money, but running it successfully need "MIND". It seems that the arrogant owners are not learning anything and they are fooled by their own aura.

But, what we get from all these are the spicy hot news, exciting matches and a super BLOG.


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