Sunday, June 10, 2007

What to Gain on the cost of Loosing Life?

What to Gain on the cost of Loosing Life?
The hectic schedule of our lives, especially for the people working for corporates, are getting worse. Sometimes I think why and for what we are running here and there, just for few appreciations or few awards or just to cheat ourselves with so called Insearch of JOB SATISFACTION!!! I'm often puzzled by the terms Personal Growth, Fastlife, Going Places etc etc??
I'm still to get exact answers to these questions. One of my good friends, who is working for one of the biggest PRODUCT Based Software company of the world, once was puzzled by one of my question. He always use to say that he wants to live a fast life.. not these boring slow once ..... I just asked him "What is the fast life mate?". He gave me several examples, no one was able to satisfy me. Later I discovered that "Life can niether be Fast nor Slow", It can be as good or bad as you yourself decide to live.
Human by nature are greedy, We live on the MANTRA "Ye Dil Maange More". If we have Thousands in our Kitty we wants millions, if we have Millions, we go for trillions and so on ..... But the greed never ends. That is why our Big Corporate Houses are trying hands in Vending vegetables at your doorsteps these days. (Though I'm not against it, It was just an example of our greed).
In this rush to achieve more and more what we loose is Peace, We loose a sound sleep, we loose friends, we loose every little bit time for ownself , for our dear ones, Infact we loose our lives.
Does the success comes on the cost of lives?

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