Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sign of Change

I’m not a great follower of politics, though my roots are from the part of India where politics is supposed to be in the genes, “Bihar”. I think even if we’ve interest in politics or not, it affects our lives someway or other.

The General elections 2009 of India has shown some sign of changes in the voter’s mental state. This sign is positive. This time the “BAHUBALIs” were unable to find their way to parliament irrespective of whichever parties they belong. This time the voters didn’t vote for separatists. This time the work has taken precedence over caste, religion and negativity. This time a mix of experienced and youth made it to the supreme house of democracy. This time a gentleman retained the post, Yes Mr. Prime Minister, Dr. Singh, is being retained in his office.

The largest rival fought the battle on wrong foot and were ethically wrong this time. Though, many of us are great admirer of the policies set by them, the security policies, foreign policies and financial policies, but the negative campaigning, lack of Leadership figure like Mr. Vajpayee and aggression against a gentleman, so called “Weak Prime Minister” have taken toll on their performances. The reasons are many and since I’m not a political analyst, my words might not be as worthy. But since I’m having the power of one vote, I must have a say.

As a common man, I want politicians fighting over their policies, without throwing dirty comments on each other. I want them to be educated and good enough to prepare planning for the country (whereas in the past the people unable to make budget for their homes were chief ministers, and still there are few holding the post). I want them to be accountable on whatever they do. I want, if they are from poor section of the country, they must not become a millionaire after a tenure of 5 years. A son of poor cannot become a millionaire after 5 years of government job, do they? Yes I want MLAs and MPs as servants of the nation rather than the Kings.

I’m sure; most of us want the same. There is a sign of change, let’s hope the things will get better as the time progresses, and will make INDIA SHINING


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